Reserve and Register

Hotel Reservations

The Minneapolis Marriot Southwest Hotel is offering NCRAL attendees a special group rate for $139.00 USD plus tax per night.

Start Date: Friday, April 25, 2025. End Date: Sunday, April 27, 2025.
Book your group rate by clicking this link: Marriot Hotel Reservations
Last day to book at the special rate: Friday, April 04

Convention Registration

There are two ways to register for NCRAL 2025.  Either:

  • Mail-in form and check for $154

      – or –

  • Online for $154 + $5 PayPal fee. 

Guests who only attend the banquet can be added for $75.

To make your reservation online

You can purchase your convention admission, meals and t-shirts online via this page: Online Ordering Form

To make your reservation by mail with a check

You can print out this form

and mail it with a check to :

Rochester Astronomy Club

205 4th St NE

Stewartville, MN 55972